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Why your Retail Business should have a Website

Jul 10, 2019

We are in a digital era. 70-80% of consumers are now researching companies online before buying. Especially as a retailer, having a place where people can purchase your product, no matter where they are located, gives your business a better opportunity to sell. Some people might see your physical location and not have time to shop around. By offering a business card with a website, they can look and purchase at their leisure.
In a 2019 report, it was stated that digital eCommerce influences 60% of retail sales. 

Another way people are finding retailers is through content marketing. This is the idea of having useful content for specific customers so that they view your business as an expert. This increases their likelihood to use your business for their needs when they arise. 

46% of Small Businesses don’t have a website and claim that it is not relevant or too expensive for their business. We want to go over why it is important for your retail store to have a website to host content and allows for purchases to be made.

pet retail website

Benefits of a Website for your Small Retail Business

Expanding your Reach for Larger Profit

Most retail shops limit their reach to the walls that hold their inventory. However, there is a whole world to interact with! By having a website for your business, the customers that might not normally walk down your street can see just what you have to offer. How can your site be used to showcase your business?

Create content 

Content creation is underutilized by retail businesses. Earlier, we said that 70-80% of consumers are doing their research online. How do you show up against big businesses on a Google search?

By establishing what niche audience your retail business serves, the people who you want to attract can easily find you on the web if you have content that answers their questions. If you are a fashion retailer, have blogs about styling ideas featuring your clothing on your blog. In addition, post to social sites like Pinterest and local Facebook groups. If you are a sporting goods store, have how-to videos on repairing a bike tire or other useful information on your site. When your customers view you as a go-to resource for their questions, they will come to your business when they need something you sell. 

Sync up your site 

Make sure that your site is linked to a maintained social network your customers use. The more arrows you have from multiple sources, the higher your website will rank for the searches you want it to.

However, you have to make sure the connections, links, and content create value for the searcher. Search engines have algorithms that connect information, analyze and gather recommendations based on what the customer is looking for. So, if you want customers who have are interested in high-end consignment, have posts that are all about that. 

If you are having trouble wondering how you will manage a website, you can use short-term financing to hire a marketing firm or freelancer to help you.  

Reputation Management and Connection

When you have updates to your business, expand or use event marketing to draw new customers in. Furthermore, posting all of these events and photos to your site can drive traffic to your business.

You can also post great yelp reviews and comments you may receive from customers on your site. Imagine if someone is searching for hiking boots and sees all of these 5 star reviews on your site. They will feel more comfortable buying from someone with a positive reputation. 

You can also use your website to track feedback from your customers. Have a “contact us” page where people can ask you questions, give comments and even chat with a sales representative in-store.

Consumers today like to know that they are being heard and value a business that can answer their questions quickly. People make buying decisions based on if they feel they can trust your business. Create trust through connection. You can use many different tactics to create a connection digitally.

purchasing retail shoes on website

Inventory Management and Tracking for Improvement

This is one of the online tools that is largely underutilized by retail business owners. If you are struggling to manage inventory, first, know your inventory turnover ratio. Next, start a loyalty program. Most consumers belong to at least 6 different loyalty programs but only interact with a couple of them. So if you do use this tool, make it as custom as you can for your customers.

Every time a customer make a purchase, they would add in their phone number through your POS or CRM system. Then you can sort through any data regarding what each type of customer is purchasing and how often they buy. Create a referral program as well, and gain insight into what types of customers refer your business.

This data will help you make informed decisions about what inventory you will purchase, how much, and when. You won’t be guessing, and it will also help you determine what type of content you will distribute through your digital channels.

Ensure that every digital tool you use is mobile friendly! Consumers are mobile and expect that your business make it easy for them to be on any type of device they choose. 

Again, if you are ready to see more action for your business and know that with a website, marketing plan or inventory tracking tool, you can grow but don’t have the cash, let us know. We don’t want your business to strain when it could thrive!  


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