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How Planning for Risk Can Save You Money in the Long Run

Dec 5, 2018

Businesses need stable and realistic budgets. However, they all experience disruptions, accidents and losses. Equipment breaks down, markets fluctuate and sometimes clients don’t pay. It may be necessary to purchase new equipment, move operations or deal with an unexpected hazard.

Unexpected expenses are a headache for the finance team, and they can have a negative impact on the bottom line. Pre-planning risks can be a great way to reduce costs and reduce the effects of financial burdens.

Why pre-planning risk costs are important

Risk is an integral part of business, and it costs money. Every business endures associated risks. These may include a sudden spike in product cost, a vehicle breaking down, equipment failure and so much more.

There is no way to completely avoid risks. The longer you are in business, the higher your risk. The best way to mitigate these risks is to pre-plan for them. Pre-planning for risks is taking a proactive approach to a negative occurrence to create a positive outcome.

It also lowers your stress level and strengthens your business while preventing performance degradation. Effective risk management strategies ultimately strengthen your business by preparing your employees to respond immediately and appropriately when intervention is required. It also helps set expectations and minimizes the negative impact on stakeholders.

Lastly, it increases the likelihood of reaching targeted objectives for your business. Proper planning and risk management strategies increase the likelihood of meeting your short- and long-term business goals.

Things to consider when pre-planning for risk

Adequate pre-planning requires identifying potential risks for your business. The three main risk types for any company are compliance, operational and financial. You should identify specific risk factors for each subgroup according to your operations within the industry.

Once you identify these risk factors in each area, you’ll want to eliminate the ones you can. Only then can you take additional steps to minimize the risks that can’t be eliminated entirely in each area type. You’ll want to separate these into low, moderate and high-risk hazards.

This will help you determine the possible impact of each. Next, you’ll want to assess recovery contingencies along with their associated costs. This will not only help you find out recovery costs for specific risk factors, but it encourages you to budget for their implementation.

It also allows you to consider possible alternatives. An unplanned hazard can prompt you to make less than desirable decisions to keep things operational. Pre-planning allows you to consider multiple options and make the choice that will best benefit your company.

How saving can help businesses succeed

It can be tempting to reinvest company profits, especially during good months. While investing in your company is a good idea, saving is also important. Saving money for your business is a proactive and intelligent way to invest in the future of your business.

It is also, perhaps, one of the most important ways. Businesses will inevitably experience climate change and loss. They will also come across investment opportunities that can be quite profitable, if they have the capital to take advantage of them.

These investment opportunities often capitalize on a company’s strengths, offering additional revenue potential. Saving for your business grows its assets while offering financial strength in difficult times. It can also give your business an operational cushion for slower months and periods of inevitable change.

Business needs change daily. A disciplined savings plan is the best way to ensure those changing business needs can be meet consistently, and the business continues to run at maximum efficiency.

While planning is always preferable, businesses inevitably experience unexpected events that require cash to overcome. These events may be risk hazards or investment opportunities. Budget constraints can leave you scrambling to find working capital, especially early on.

If your business finds itself in a situation where additional capital is needed, working with alternative financing companies such as Reliant Funding can get you back up and running in as little as two days. We offer the American business owner fast access to the capital they need and an unparalleled commitment to customer service. Contact Reliant Funding today to learn more.


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